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Power BI – data visualization in Microsoft Teams

Power BI is a powerful visualization and analytics tool which does not require specialized technical support. Its key advantages include affordability, data connectivity, frequent updates, custom visualization, fast turnarounds, and Excel integration. But what else is in for you and your organization?

By integrating Power BI into the work environment, you can get a better understanding of your business and take prompter actions. In the past couple of months, we witnessed banks adopting Power BI to better manage and forecast project budgets; airports connecting to a wide range of data sources to increase efficiency and stay ahead of disruption; healthcare providers improving clinical care and operational efficiency, or to simply deliver a more customer-oriented, interactive presentation. The demand can be an individual level, such as using Power BI for your personal data analysis, a corporate level, or even a country level (such as using Power BI to analyze COVID-19 data and keep the communities informed at the city, state, and national levels). Power BI is not department- or industry-specific.

Power BI is not exclusive to Microsoft systems. However, this article will cover embedding your Power BI content in Microsoft Teams.

In our previous blog posts, you learned how to add tabs to your channels. The same pattern is applicable to adding Power BI to your channel. You can select a report from a workspace or a Power BI app. You can choose the name for the tab, or Teams will automatically match the name of the report.

Once when the report tab is added, a conversation tab will be created:

This feature enables you not just to create and share dashboards, reports, and datasets via Microsoft Teams, it also supports conversations and collaboration with your coworkers.

To keep your Teams organized, always ensure to add the reports to the relevant channels; for example, Sales Overview from Sales Reports will be added to the Sales Overview channel in the Sales Team; but HR reports will be placed in HR channel.

Did you know that you can view Microsoft Teams utilization in Power BI? Power BI query templates for Call Quality Dashboard now contains Microsoft Teams utilization report. This report will enable to see how much Microsoft Teams is used by your end-users. We recommend enabling quick access to this feature to both administrators and managers.

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